What is Sweet Adelines?
Sweet Adelines International (SAI)
Founded in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1945, Sweet Adelines started as a small group of women who loved to sing. Since then, it has evolved into an organization that spans the globe connecting nearly 21,000 singers around the world in song. Dedicated to preserving the unique sound of a cappella barbershop harmony, they share a passion for music and empowering community.
Sweet Adelines International welcomes all self-identifying women from all nationalities and backgrounds to join in the joy of barbershop harmony.
Read more about Sweet Adelines International on their website.
Peace Arch Chorus belongs to Region 26.
SAI is divided into regions. Our Region 26 is one of several dozen regions across the globe. We are the only 100% Canadian Region and are made up of the following provinces and territories - BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories, Yukon Territory and Nunavut. Our region is governed by a Management Team of eight.
Region 26 has over 800 members in 23 chartered choruses and even more quartets.
Read more about Region 26 on their website.